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Hypertextualized from the Concertina FAQ written by Chris Timson. The HTML translation of the FAQ was originally performed by Phoebe Sengers, and is now maintained by Chris Timson. Please send comments about the contents to Chris by clicking here, or visit my home page.
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DOCUMENT HISTORY v1.0 11 Feb 1995 Initial release v1.1 3 March 1995 Various amendments and updates following feedback on v1.0 v1.2 8 April 1995 Minor amendments, additions and updates v1.3 6 May 1995 Quote at head of introduction added: found by Alan Clarke of Manchester Morris and quoted in Concertina World, the ICA newsletter. Other minor amendments and additions. v1.4 1 July 1995 New Internet section. Address for Frank Edgley (at last!). Substantial rewrite of text on Chemnitzer concertinas. v1.5 28 October 1995 Minor amendments, additions and updates. Another rewrite for Chemnitzers (I promise I'll get it right one day). Wheatstone dates of manufacture added in an appendix as it is of minority interest. v1.6 28 December 1995 Record change of accordion mailing list to rec.music.makers.squeezebox. One other minor tweak. (1.6a new URL for Bob Tedrow). v1.7 1 April 1996 Minor amendments, additions and updates. A few corrections of historical fact in sec. 2. v1.8 - v1.12 (June 1996 - February 1997) Further minor amendments, additions and updates. v1.13 25 January 1998 Addition of Lachenal dating formulae. Addition of Concertina Maintenance Manual details. Other assorted amendments. v1.14 30 May 1998 Major rewrite of Buying Advice section. v1.15 29 August 1999 Lots of minor amendments, plus the new Button Box concertina. v1.16 12 April 2000 8 months since the last version, many minor amendments. v1.17 18 February 2001 10 months this time, many minor amendments and some re-organisation. v1.18 1 November 2001 Some significant additions to clubs, makers and Internet sections. New home on the web at www.concertina.info. v1.19 6 October 2002 Lots of minor amendments. v1.20 5 December 2004 Lots of minor amendments. v1.21 23 July 2006 Lots of minor amendments, also (way overdue, but very sad) all mailto links converted to graphics to prevent spammers from scraping them. v1.22 19 April 2011 Checking and updating all links, plus the usual odds and sods. v1.23 19 March 2015 More of the same.